job ad with company profile and link to company homepage, standard layout, posting by the client, valid: 4 weeks
0 €
created HTML job ad with company profile and link to company homepage, standard layout, posting by the client, valid: 4 weeks
200 €
posting and categorization by PKO (per job ad)
35 €
top placement (shows job ad always at the top of the result list, click probability about 6 times higher)
200 €
daily mirroring of all job ads from your company job board
negotiable flat fee
Jobseeker contact subscription:
20 jobseeker contacts, unlimited validity
70 €
100 jobseeker contacts, unlimited validity
300 €
To be able to use other than free services on, your account needs to be charged with europoints, similar to phone cards. One europoint corresponds one euro.
All listed prices are excl. VAT.
To learn more about our personnel services see the categories HR consulting, recruiting, job placement and outplacement.
For jobseekers the registration of a resume, the job search, contact of employers etc. is free of charge.