Personnel selection is time- and money-consuming work, even when it comes to basic positions. Finding the most suitable candidates from the flood of applicants is a complex process. This is where our recruitment agency comes in providing high-quality and budget-friendly services. 100% success-oriented. So that you are always on the safe side.
Method and Procedure
As in HR consulting, there are the following steps: analysis, research, preselection, presentation, and project completion. In the case of a job-ad-based search, you only bear the insertion costs. Upon request, analyses and presentations can be carried out at your place. There is no extra charge for this, only the travel costs.
Discretion and Satisfaction
Personnel issues are a matter of trust. For both you and the candidates. In addition to qualifications we also check potentials and motivation. Therefore we also check references. We then recommend the best matching candidates. If public salary subsidies are possible, we will inform you and help you through the red tape.
Fees and Trial Period Warranty
We work on a contingency basis when recruiting personnel; the lump sum fee will be agreed upon at the time of commissioning. We credit you with placement vouchers as fee reimbursements. In addition, our 100% trial period guarantee also applies here: We will fill the position once free of charge if the employment relationship ends within six months, regardless of the reason for it.