B. Access for not yet registered users and job ad creation
To post a job ad (expires after 4 weeks) and use all other functions, e.g. applicant search, application management, and job ad management, you need to register (free of charge). Choose a username and password (without umlauts (e.g. ä, ö, ü), spaces, or special characters; case sensitive!) as your personal login details, and fill in the following job ad form. In the future, you can log in to the system at any time using this login data and use the various functions. If the username (eg john123) exists already, the system will notify you. In this case simply add a number or a letter, eg. john123a.
Username *
Password must meet the following requirements:
At least one capital letter
At least one number
At least 8 characters
Password *
Confirm password *
Your industry: *
* = required fields
Company name:
Contact person:
no information malefemalediverse
House number:
Zip code:
Company logo:
If applicable, add logo from harddisk or internet .jpg or .gif format, max. 10 KB, width max. 220 pixel Harddisk path:
Job title:
Job location:
Job description:
How to apply:
C. Number of vacancies in the job ad
D. Further job details (only for automatic matching, not visible for jobseekers)
Type of employment
Part time
Freelance/project work
Commission/ Fee basis
Temporary employment
Home office
450 EUR Job, marginal employment, student trainee
1 € Job, Zusatzbeschäftigung
Bachelor/ master/ diploma thesis
Management level
Semi-/unskilled worker/helper/apprentice
Skilled worker without responsibility for personnel: clerk/assistant/skilled worker/etc.
Team leader, project manager, or comparable responsible function
Head of division/department or comparable responsible function
Management/Board of Directors
Temporary employment yes/no
Temporary job
Maximum salary
EUR - annual gross salary
This job ad will appear free of charge in other partner portals. Your benefit: higher reach with no extra effort.