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  About work4pinoy

work4pinoy is not a commercial job board but a labor market initiative. That's why all services for jobseekers and employers are completely free of charge.

work4pinoy is also not a stand-alone internet portal, but a provider of a job network in and for the Philippines, which links together public and private stakeholders of the labor market:

  • public employment services
  • universities, colleges and training providers
  • recruitment agencies
  • employment initiatives and projects
  • chambers of commerce, employers associations etc.
  • trade unions

Jobseekers benefit from the biggest job database of local jobs in the Philippines and overseas jobs worldwide.

The job network technology was initially developped for the complex "split labor markets" in the United Kingdom and Germany: increasing recruitment problems in spite of high unemployment. It's now being adjusted to the specific needs of the labor market in the Philippines.
Its core module is a high-performance fault-tolerant matching engine with artificial intelligence, which permanently matches huge amounts of jobs with high numbers of resumes, using thousands of standardized criteria, among others over 10,000 assessed standardized skills.
The geographical matching goes down until the municipality level and meets the needs of local jobseekers and local employers alike.

The job network members are all interconnected so that for example a jobseeker registered with a public employment service or a university can be easily found by an employer or a recruitment agency, even though they don't use the same website.

In addition to the job ads and resumes entered by employers, jobseekers and job network members, so-called web agents are permanently adding meta information about job ads of commercial job boards and company job pages.
These external job ads are categorized automatically by a so-called job parser with artificial intelligence so that they can be matched with the jobseekers' resumes in a comparable quality as manually entered job ads.
The commercial job boards benefit from a higher number of suitable applicants without any additional costs, the high matching quality also serving like a filter to protect employers from too many not suitable applicants. Their job ads are always shown directly from the original job board, so that also the additional clicks are counted for the original job boards and not for the job network.

Are you interested in more information about the job network of work4pinoy? Then we are happy to recieve your email to

Jobs + Resumes

Today Philippines:

3096 job ads

Today international:

1881462 job ads
6 resumes


March 7, 2020
Huge job losses seen due to COVID-19 ..... [more]

March 6, 2020
Underemployment down in January ..... [more]

March 4, 2020
Concentrix hiring 6,000 more workers ..... [more]