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Job Search

Note: You can only access a certain part of the job ads here. To access all job ads via job agent, just register your applicant profile free of charge.

Occupational group(s)

Click here to add occupational groups (SOC2010 classification).

Employment region

Click here to add the job location(s)
Type of employment
Full-time Part time Freelance/project work
Commission/ Fee basis Temporary employment Apprenticeship
Internship Trainee Home office
450 EUR Job, marginal employment, student trainee Bachelor/ master/ diploma thesis

5. Management level

Please select your requested management level.

Semi-/unskilled worker/helper/apprentice Skilled worker without responsibility for personnel: clerk/assistant/skilled worker/etc. Team/ Project Management or corresponding staff role
Area/department management Management/Board of Directors

Full-text search

Here you can enter one or more keywords that you think a job ad you are interested in will contain in any case. If you choose 'AND', all search results are displayed that contain all keywords, if you select 'OR', all matches are displayed that contain at least one keyword, and, if you choose 'EXACT phrase', all matches are displayed that contain exactly the entered character string.